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  • About Lisa, LCSW, LICSW, PMH-C

    I am a mixed Chinese and white second generation immigrant/American. I am a licensed clinical social worker, certified perinatal mental health specialist, and practicing mental health therapist since 2013. I use a practical and skills-based approach, informed primarily by Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness to help clients recognize ineffective patterns of behavior and connect with their values to guide meaningful change. That’s a mouthful of therapist speak. It means that I’m really good at giving clients the practical tools they need to become self-aware, confident in their decision-making, adaptable, effective even when experiencing painful emotions, and ultimately more successful at changing behavior so they can build and sustain fulfilling lives. You can check out Testimonials or my Credentials for some back up to these claims.

    I’ve worked in a lot of settings (community mental health, shelter, hospital, intensive outpatient/school, group private practice, and now in my own private practice) and I used to be a bit of a workhorse.  In order to live by my values (modeling what I teach!), I moved into private practice so I could be more present and engaged in my family life,  joyful and active in my personal life, and effective and compassionate in my work life. I work well with folks who want these things too and are ready to take active steps to make it happen. Anxiety, fear, low mood, guilt, and shame often get in the way of making the changes they want to see in their lives; I help them remain effective and stay true to their values, even during difficult times.

    When I’m not seeing clients, I am actively balancing motherhood and family with running, biking, snowboarding, hiking the Pacific Northwest, trying new foods, listening to epic fantasy novels, and travel.

    My Values


    To make lasting change, paradoxically, you must first accept who and where you are. Acceptance does not mean giving up or giving in. It means making space for the uncomfortable while remaining true to your values. Acceptance is incredibly challenging and requires consistent and repeated efforts to reach and maintain; I make sure I am modeling acceptance to make it a little easier for you to get there, too.


    An essential part of the work we are doing is to help you access and apply your inner wisdom and live by your values. When your actions are guided by your values, you will make progress towards building a fulfilling life. I model the importance of authenticity by being as real as I can (strengths, values, flaws, and all) in our sessions and treating you as a partner in this relationship, with me as a guide and you as the expert on your life.


    I believe that our emotions, thoughts, and actions are  understandable and more often than not justified. Yet how often do we find ourselves judging our emotions (or those of others)? Judging might lead to quick change, but rarely will that change endure. Taking a non-judgmental stance frees us up to refocus on the causes of our problems and identify what realistically is within our power to change. 


    I will orient you throughout our work together to the rationale behind the skills and practices we might employ. It's far more motivating to do something, especially when it's hard or painful, when it makes sense as to why and is clearly connected to your values and goals. We'll collaborate: I'll lay out some options and why and we'll ultimately listen to your inner wisdom in determining next action steps. 

    My Mission

    I’m on a mission for you to love therapy.

    Okay, so I aim high. If you’re here, you likely do, too.

    What does that actually mean for you?

    That therapy is immediately useful and productive. 

    That’s why I specialize in skills-based, short-term work (though I am happy to continue working on longer term goals with folks when we’re a great fit and doing great things). I want you to leave each session with something concrete–a new plan, skill, or perspective– even during assessment or treatment planning.

    That therapy elicits long lasting change.

    That’s why I specialize in increasing self-awareness and the application of behavioral learning principles. Changing behavior isn’t just about “setting your mind to it” or having “more willpower.” A lot of the time we have been conditioned to do things, even at our own expense, by others or the environment and it takes a concerted effort to unlearn our (often unknown) automatic responses.

    That you’re developing a strong relationship with your therapist (even if that means it’s not with me).

    That’s why I self-disclose. I’m not going to tell you everything nor am I going to hold things back that you might benefit from knowing. I am direct with what I treat and what I don’t (eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, current suicidality and self-harm, among others). I take the time to orient clients to what therapy looks like with me, the type of therapy I provide, how I work, what my strengths are, and who I am as a person and therapist. I am consistently networking with my fellow therapists as well since I know that I’m not the perfect fit for everyone and I feel oddly exultant when I’ve connected a client with another therapist. You may not enjoy each moment (or a lot of moments) in therapy, but the goal is for you to experience warmth and a connection to your therapist that is in itself motivating of change or get pointed in the direction where that’s what you will have.

    That you ultimately feel connection, confidence, and satisfaction with life. 

    That’s why I will guide you in integrating your values and mindfulness into therapy and daily life in a meaningful, practical, down to earth way. Slow things down to enjoy the moment AND to become more effective and efficient in moving towards your long-term goals. Gain connection to your inner wisdom and let that guide you to confidently and authentically live by your values.

    Still curious?

    Check out my Credentials if you want to know more about my education, training, and what I’m learning about currently.

    Ready to take action?